Beside Peaceful Streams
- Am I stuck in my relationship with God? Where has God been lately?
- How can I experience a deeper more intimate relationship with the Lord?
- How do I think of God?
- How can I become more aware of God all day long?
- Am I wanting “something more” in my relationship with God?
- Am I looking for someone to share my spiritual journey with?
- Am I having a hard time praying or looking for new ways to pray?
- Am I wondering what God might be calling me to?
If any of these questions hit home with you—maybe Spiritual Direction is for YOU!
What exactly is Spiritual Direction?
A Spiritual director is a spiritual companion. One who can help you articulate the presence, direction, and voice of God in your life
Is Spiritual Direction something new?
No! Not at all!! Spiritual direction has been around for centuries—but has recently found a resurgence because of the realization of a spiritual need. The Spiritual life is a journey—and not to be traveled alone! Eugene Peterson, Richard and Nathan Foster, Pete Scazzero, etc. and the writing of Dallas Willard, Henry Nouwen, etc. have helped popularize this needed ministry in the church.
What happens during Spiritual Direction?
First of all, there’s nothing mysterious or magical about spiritual direction. Think of it as a conversation between friends: Peter, yourself the directee, and the most important one—Holy Spirit.
You can expect Peter to listen and ask reflective questions. Peter will help you to pay attention to your experiences so as to notice God’s nudges, invitations, challenges and confirmations. Peter may also suggest resources for your prayer time and your spiritual walk. You will be asked to sign a consent form: